News Detail


Aug, 2020

Santa Fe Springs Protocols for Youth Sports Leagues and Sports Fields


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On August 3, 2020, the California Department of Public Health released the Covid-19 Interim Guidance for Youth Sports.  On August 4, 2020, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health released the Reopening Protocol for Youth Sports Leagues.  Those protocols were updated on August 12, 2020.  Also, the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation released guidelines for Reopening Sports Fields.  Below are the City of Santa Fe Springs protocols for youth sports leagues and sports fields and are consistent with the County Health Officer orders1 and the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) Considerations for Youth Sports2 and the State of California DPH Covid-19 Interim Guidance for Youth Sports3.  This document is intended to complement the County’s Reopening Protocol for Youth Sports Leagues.



  • Use of sports fields is by permit only.
  • Only skill development drills and conditioning training are allowed.Competitions or games, including intrasquad games, are prohibited.
  • Youth sports programs should ensure that players remain in a stable cohort.There should be clear visible separation between cohort practice areas.
  • Guardians, parents, visitors and spectators must observe physical distancing of six (6) feet at all times (except for members of their household unit).
  • Physical distancing of six (6) feet between each player and between players and coaches is required at all times. Youth sports activities are limited to activities that enable all players and coaches to maintain a physical distance of at least six feet between each other at all times, and an eight feet distance during times of heavy physical exertion.
  • All players, coaches, family members and visitors are required to wear an appropriate face covering that covers the nose and the mouth at all times, except while swimming, showering, eating/drinking, when engaging in heavy physical exertion (while maintaining a distance of 8 feet or greater from others), or engaging in solo physical exertion (such as jogging by one’s self).
  • Spectator benches/bleachers will be cordoned off. Spectators may bring their own chairs, to be placed six (6) feet apart unless they are members of a household unit.
  • Whenever possible, it is ideal that players use their own equipment.Shared equipment should be swapped out with clean and sanitized equipment, sanitized regularly, and returned back to circulation.
  • Shaking hands, high-fives, fist-bumps or other celebratory touching is prohibited.
  • Concessions should be "grab & go" and meet all County Health guidelines. Payment should be made by payment card if possible. If cash is used, it should be done at an outward facing window/door. Barriers between staff and patrons should be installed prior to opening.
  • Gatherings or seating in concession areas or indoor facilities is prohibited.
  • Organizations must implement staggered field use and practice times to ensure physical distancing and proper sanitation of commonly touched surfaces.   
  • Organizations are to provide volunteers with training on the hazards of the chemicals, manufacturer’s directions, and Cal/OSHA requirements for safe use.
  • Volunteers with the responsibility of cleaning and disinfecting the site must be equipped with proper protective equipment, including gloves, eye protection, respiratory protection, and other appropriate protective equipment as required by the product instructions.
  • Volunteer screenings are conducted by the organization prior to entering the field.
  • All volunteers must be told not to come to the park if sick, or if they are exposed to a person who has COVID-19. Employees understand to follow DPH guidance for self-isolation and quarantine, if applicable.


Maintenance Protocols

  • Benches/bleachers will be cordoned off or removed to prohibit gatherings.
  • Water fountains will not be available for use.
  • Routine cleaning of common areas must be implemented by the organization.
  • Restrooms will only be open during permit times and will be sanitized daily.Restrooms should be sanitized regularly by the organization.
  • Any shared equipment should be sanitized between uses.
  • Information and instructional signage will be posted throughout parks.


Monitoring Protocols

  • Coaches and program volunteers must monitor compliance.
  • Participants are expected to leave the facility immediately after use.
  • Those not adhering to the guidelines will be asked to leave.
  • Permits may be revoked for non-compliance.


Permit Process

  • Permits are required for the use of sports fields.
  • An application for a permit must be submitted via the City’s online platform.The submission of an application does not guarantee that a permit be issued to the organization.
  • The organization must submit practice plans detailing activities that will be conducted during the permitted times.
  • The organization must submit a practice schedule that details:
    • The team’s name
    • The coach’s name
    • The total number of players/coaches allowed to be with the team

  • All organizations should have an adopted practice and procedures that adhere to County Health orders and be made part of the rental or use agreement and be approved by the governing entity.  
    • Upon being informed that one or more employees, coaches, or players test positive for, or has symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (case), the team has a plan or protocol in place to have the case(s) isolate themselves at home and require the immediate self-quarantine of all employees that had a workplace exposure to the case(s). The team or league’s plan should consider a protocol for all quarantined individuals to have access to or be tested for COVID19 in order to determine whether there have been additional exposures, which may require additional COVID-19 control measures.
    • In the event that 3 or more cases are identified among the members of the youth sports team within a span of 14 days, the coach or league should report this outbreak to the Department of Public Health at (888) 397-3993 or (213) 240-7821.


  • Please allow up to two (2) weeks processing time.



For more information, please contact the Parks and Recreation Services Division at

(562) 863-4896, visit our website at,

or send an email to [email protected].

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